
导读:The Yellow River clears once in a thousand years 张国土出席中医中药振兴创新联盟活动后答记者新闻 Zhang Guoguo Attends the Chinese Medicine Revitalization and Innovation Alliance Event and Answers News to Journalists 中医...

  The Yellow River clears once in a thousand years


    Zhang Guoguo Attends the Chinese Medicine Revitalization and Innovation Alliance Event and Answers News to Journalists


    ——ZhangGuoguo, astrategic scientistin traditionalChinese medicine, Vice Presidentof theWorld Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute,andChief InventorofSelenium Enriched Longpeptide,amajoranti epidemic weaponof theYellow River,attendedthepreparatory committee meetingsof theChinese Medicine RevitalizationandInnovation AllianceonMay 12thand13th, andansweredthequestionofDirector Ming Dianyi, asenior journalistfrom theGlobal Times:



    Reporter's question: As a strategic scientist in traditional Chinese medicine and advisor to the Preparatory Committee of the Alliance for the Revitalization and Innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, would you like to share with readers your understanding of innovation in traditional Chinese medicine.


    Answer: As early as more than 5000 years ago, in order to overcome the pain and save the lives of patients, the Chinese people embarked on the path of innovation and exploration of the revitalization of traditional Chinese medicine. The ancient Chinese medicine was mainly based on the prescription of traditional Chinese medicine, and countless ancestors of China formed an effective formula by testing their own medicine. On the basis of the effective formula formed at the cost of countless lives and thousands of years of efforts of our ancestors, the traditional Chinese medicine culture formed mainly by processing, boiling, quenching and extracting, supplemented by acupuncture and moxibustion, massage and massage.This is a treasure of the Chinese nation and a source of pride for the descendants of Yan and Huang.



    In the new era, under the guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's brilliant instruction that Chinese medicine innovation is important and Chinese medicine is the golden key to opening the treasure house of Chinese civilization.China's innovation in traditional Chinese medicine has achieved remarkable achievements that have attracted worldwide attention.


    1、TraditionalChinese medicine undergoes ultra-low temperature and high temperature quenching,andcutting-edge biotechnology enablesthefermentationof traditionalChinese medicine formulas,resulting in adrug efficacy increaseofat least40times or more.For example, theYellow River once returnedtoXi'an Sangtian Miracle Technology Co., Ltd. to boilthehigh protein mulberry leavesafterAnkang frostathigh temperaturefor6hoursandthen concentratetheminto crystals,whichinventedandproducedthegreen antibiotic green penicillin crystal ofZhenjingbrand,whichnot onlyhasbetteranti-inflammatory andbactericidaleffectsthan thethree high chemicalantibiotics intreating diabetes.Zhejiang Wangu Biotechnologyhassuccessfully cultivatedtheroot discs and trunks of Sang Girl and Sang Gongzi one week before germinationinearly spring using cutting-edge biological strainsfrom thePresidentof theInternational SocietyofMedicinal Fungi. Theworld'stop Sanghuangisnow officially renamed Yellow River Millennium Qingyi Huilong Peptide,which hasamedicinal effectmorethan40timeshigherthan Sang Root.Longpeptideis combinedwithover300typesofrejuvenatingtraditional Chinesemedicines,including JiuyeShen fromQianRener,thedirectorofZunyi Jiushen Pharmaceutical,and LongpeptideRevitalization Pills.TheYellow River Millennium Qingyi SeleniumEnrichedLongpeptideLiquidand Longpeptide Revitalization Pills are used in combination tosweep awaydiseasesanddiseasesinthenew era.The Yellow River Millennium Qingyi JiushenPharmaceuticalQian's Revitalization Pillsand RevitalizationWine,whichextendtheaverage human lifespanbyat least30-50years, haveemerged in Zunyi.



    TheYellow River, with itsmillenniumlonghistory, isa tribute tothe20thNational Congressofthe CommunistPartyof Chinafromtheworld'stop mulberry yellow.Theselenium rich mulberry yellow, amajor anti epidemic weapon, is also atributetothe2023NationalPeople's Congress andTwo Sessions, causingasensation throughout Chinaand theworld.Han Qingkuan, Senior Advisor of the Yellow River Millennium Clean Up Action, has brought contemporary innovation in traditional Chinese medicine to the highest level in human history through the digital informatization of traditional Chinese medicine.ByApril2024,Han Qingkuanhadsuccessfullyundergoneremote bone graftingwith traditionalChinese medicine, treating278000casesofvarious stubborn diseases suchascancer and mental illness.Shocked countless patient moments, shocked the leaders of the National Health Commission and the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.If traditional Chinese medicine digital therapy is combined with Qianshi Longpeptide and Longpeptidefei, I believe the treatment time will be shorter and the therapeutic effect will be higher.



    2、 After high temperature steamingandquenching,thefrostedmulberryleaves of green penicillinaredriedandfinely crushed, and theprotein contentisup to36%.High gluten flour, potato starch,driedmulberry powder, seleniumrichLongtide powder, LongtideXiangfeipowder havebeenaddedtoferment,and thetrial productionof theYellow River Millennium Qingyi LongtideXiangfei Mantou, bread, biscuits, Dim sum,multi-functional high-end military compresseddry food has beensuccessful.It not only has the functions of vegetables, fruits, and grains, but also has the antiviral and anti nuclear radiation functions of oilseeds, medicinal and edible mushrooms.The ultra-low temperature and anaerobic environment in the deep mountainous hinterland can preserve food for hundreds of years.This is an underground space for human survival against nuclear explosions


    Provide basic material support for survival.I believe that this great innovation should be awarded the Nobel Prize in Traditional Chinese Medicine and the National Special Prize for Scientific Progress.


    3、 Original grains and miscellaneous grains are the best medicine, and organic original meat, eggs, and milk are also good remedies for the world.I believe that the top priority for innovation in traditional Chinese medicine is to address the food safety, environmental safety, and drinking water safety of the people.The development of artificial intelligence through the vicissitudes of the Yellow River is the best innovative way to solve this series of problems.


    Reporter's question: The relationship between innovation in traditional Chinese medicine and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


    A: The Yellow River Millennium Clean up Action is a new era of artificial intelligence agriculture and mulberry governance, agriculture and mulberry power, and improvement of the earth environment, common prosperity and prosperity of the people under the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping.Let the improved mulberry completely replace the poisonous eucalyptus tree, replace the poisonous and harmful tree species such as paulownia and poplar, and increase the national income by a hundred times. At the same time, fundamentally improving the soil environment, water resource environment, atmospheric environment, and residential environment,


    To achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


    I believethat thedevelopmentofartificial intelligenceanddeep processingisnot enough.Themountainous areaofChina accounts formore than70%ofthetotal land area.Thedevelopment inthecentralandwestern regions will increasethecountry'sincome bya hundred times,and theYellow Riverwill beclearedfora thousand years. Theconditionsfor theshield project of protectingthelives oftheChinese peopleareunique.


    For example,China'stheYunnan-Guizhou Plateau, withkarst landformandcomplete rocky desertification, covers anarea ofmore than150000square kilometers.After years of poverty alleviation efforts, the vast majority of impoverished households in severely rocky desertification areas have already been relocated.Aggregation uses advanced artificial intelligence technology to excavate the deep mountainous hinterland of severely rocky desertification areas and fill hills and valleys.Build a new 50 million acre plain and create a rapids to bravely enter the Sangji fish pond.Planting modern artificial intelligence in the ever-changing world.Inthehollowedouthinterlandof themountains, finely decorated10-20 millionsets, five-star methyl celluloseYellowRiver Millennium Qingyi Huilong Peptide Concubine, a healthandlongevity century old vacation property hotel.



    The fire performance of this hotel is a hundred times higher than that of modern buildings.Thehardnessandtoughnessare20timeshigherthanthose ofreinforced concreteandmore than10timeshigherthanthose ofsteelbars.The underground spaceofthe hotelisequipped with grounded air, artificial sun, constant temperatureandhumidity ventilation, andnegative oxygen ionsthat aremaintainedbetween20000 and30000yuanannually.


    The biggest benefits of the Yellow River Millennium Qingyi Reincarnation Shield Project are fire prevention, earthquake prevention, prevention of global warming and cooling, prevention of meteorological and viral warfare, prevention of micro drone head explosions, prevention of nuclear explosions, and prevention of nuclear pollution.


    Due to the ever-changing world of artificial intelligence, there is no need for annual fertilization, planting management, and watering. Planting once can harvest artificial intelligence for thousands of years. Therefore, any owner who purchases an underground space hotel can sign a contract for services as long as they pay the property management fee according to regulations. The Longpeptide series products are free to eat here for generations, enjoying the blessing of longevity.


    If each50square meter underground property hotelisequippedwith100square metersofabove ground methyl cellulose villas,and another1000square metersofimproved mulberry Chinese Loong golden tree species forest.Atapriceof5 millionRMBper unit, it ispubliclyavailable forsale globally throughtheYellow River Millennium Clear One Time Electronic Mall.Youonlyneedtopaya10%depositas amortgagetomove in.I think Chinese Loong Peptide Food will surely attract the middle class from all over the world to come here to settle down in China.China's comprehensive national strength has doubled, and Beijing will definitely become a great capital that people all over the world yearn for.



    This is an unprecedented action to implement the glorious directive spirit of the leaders of the the Belt and Road, which is a great innovation of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen the country and enrich the people.All units and individuals who support participation will be credited to the annals of history.Because the Yellow River Millennium Revitalization and Innovation Alliance of Traditional Chinese Medicine has attracted outstanding talents from around the world to participate in the development of western China, it has not only solved the problem of a sharp decline in population, but also solved the major problem of hundreds of millions of young people in China getting married, settling down, and enjoying family happiness. People's happiness is also the best traditional Chinese medicine.


    Reporter's question: How is the scope and medical qualifications of traditional Chinese medicine defined?


    Answer: The scope and breadth of traditional Chinese medicine.I believe that Chinese people who are kind-hearted, kind-hearted, and hardworking should be called traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, and those who can benefit others should have the qualifications for traditional Chinese medicine.


    1. Original organic food, vegetables, fruits, oilseeds, nuts, edible fungi, and clean water are allthebest dual-use productsforhumans.Organic meat, eggs, and dairy products from the original ecology should all be a beneficial remedy for both medicine and food.


    2. Constant temperature protection and housingandclothing are boththemost important life temperature protection systemsforhumanity.In summary, if humans do not have food to eat or water to drink, they will starve to death or die of thirst.Without housing or clothing, one will freeze to death or heat to death.Therefore, I believe that the workers and farmers who cultivate organic fields, raise silkworms, spin and weave fabrics, and build houses are all great practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine.



    Theinnovationoftraditional Chinese medicine isagreat innovation ofthe1.4 billionpeopleof theChinese nationand patriotic overseasChinesearound theworld.Practice has proven that the Spring Silkworm Spinning and Weaving Show is the greatest representative of traditional Chinese medicine innovation in the history of the Chinese nation.Colorful silk bedding and silk clothing are the most beneficial health guarantees for humanity.The modern biopharmaceutical dragon peptide derived from planting mulberry and raising silkworms, as well as the compatibility dragon peptide consort, are the magic weapons for humans to overcome diseases.


    The Yellow River's Thousand Year Clean Up Project, which has increased the country's income by a hundred times, has created an eternal and happy living space for humanity.Even if the Earth enters a period of high temperature or freezing in the future, millions of square kilometers of underground space in the deep mountainous hinterland of China that needs to be developed, due to the presence of water and artificial sun, can be used to grow mulberry and raise silkworms, raise pigs, chickens, and fish with silkworm pupae, silkworm sand, and meat, eggs, and milk, which are good remedies for the world.Themulberry root rice,mulberryrootvegetables,fruits, organic meat, eggs and milk producedinunderground space enable Chinese peopletostill live inthehuge hinterlandof the theYunnan-Guizhou Plateau, TianshanMountainsand Himalayasforat least10000years.



    The Yellow River Millennium Clean Up Action is the greatest innovation in traditional Chinese medicine and medicine in history, and a great action that benefits all humanity and saves the earth's environment for eternity.


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